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Thursday, July 28, 2016

The 6 could it be's as to why Obama is in (total) support of Senator Hillary Clinton

 This would be the could it be's...

In the end of all this, if you said all this was personal or some subjective junks, you could be just not wrong and at the same time, it could all be just some good cut of the whole truth as per the executive President of the United States of America - Barak Obama and the Senator - Hillary Clinton - gunning for the presidential seat later this season's US Presidential election.


  1. Could it be that he is in support of Hillary because she's a member the Democratic Party?
  2. Could it be because she is not with the opposition party, the Republican Party (you know, really this might sound to or your sense of reasoning that is this guy really a nitwit I thought he really was, well, in my country, I have seen factually, a staunch member of a particular party working evidently against the flag bearer. Yes, everything looks sick in Africa but yes, you would agree, politics remains a game for the dirtys).
  3. Could it be it be of prior effect that this has been planned? As in, even before the coming around of the president in currency.
  4. Could it be that it is some kind of deal? As in, you a black man, you go first the John the baptist - prepare ground for the she "Jesus" to save and lead the races with mankind for eternity.
  5. Could it be that it is all because she is a female? As in, should she become the president of the US in the long run, that would be a whole lots of records broken, in the stead of all women in the world. And, wow, women would then have some big reference to look back and point their feminine right fingers to counter the opposite sex.
  6. Could it be that Hillary has made it emphatic she shall do well and not surrender her rule to her husband or whoever as a result of too much loads and all that on her feminine gentle shoulders. In records, there certain occasions where women became governors in the US but had to throw in the towel for man to continue..

Verily, anticipate one full article about the could it be's soonest, why am I doing all this? Could it be that I seek attention? 

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