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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

His eyes fell in love by Oluwapelumi

Almond, honey brown were his eyes.
So Charming it was perfect for royalty, so they named him Prince.
Those eyes could view whatever it wanted, but one.
For by that one, his heart will be won.
So, stepmother taught him to view all with a glance,
Because no one knew that one.

So, it happened one twilight on a tour with Gus
That he heard the click click of her slippers.
So loud that he almost believed his mind was her marble floor.
Stepmother's voice warned; "Do not stare"!
He replied,"Glancing is all I've lived for".
So his almond honey brown eyes glanced, he stared.
Before him; in glass slippers stood the one,
Alas, his heart was won.

He raced to the castle that evening, beseeching the King to throw a ball,
For he would do anything to see her in his hall.
So, for his sanity,"Le grand Duc, invite every maiden in town, there is a ball".
Fine wine flowed like never before for all.
All attended except one, that One.
Releasing himself from Drizella and Anastasia, he asked,"Where is she Gus?".
But stepmother replied;
"The child is poor, she doesn't want to lose her only possession; her glass slippers".


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