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Sunday, January 15, 2017


Let the plantain that you cut serve its own purpose at your conscious hour. Let it spent one day more in that sack lest it spoils for no use for you nor for me.
There is appointed time for your purpose to meet. Your help is a purpose. If you would delay your help at will this far, it may waste. Be of value and let your light shine only where and when there is darkness no matter your blackness on the outside.
To all, plantain is sweet and would be good and great to feed on at any time. When it is hidden far too long, it would melt and be useless. You would feed on something else but the fact remains that that very fruit actually or specifically has wasted.
You are the fruit in my analogy. You don't have wills or thoughts of your own even though you as independent as a god holy rolls hold. It would take grace to serve well and make sweeten the life of the other.
Serve the purpose you could now, not tomorrow and let tomorrow come later with its own designs as the case may be and as the case will always be. Should you as a fruit failed to serve the other, another fruit would come in your stead and that would imply you were done with.
To conclude, be helpful because you could because if you do not, you and your help would waste and someone else would take your gains in excess even if you mind: help your neighborhood or neighbours as you would love to care for yourself now and always.


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