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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Balancing Mindfulness and Objectivity

Well, I think the highest form of intelligence is observing others or things deliberately without considering the past understandings, experiences, or histories you have about the person or thing. If possible, that is probably the highest form of objectivity -to put yourself as a stranger to someone or something you know so well. Why is this necessary? It will likely help to have listening ears when assessing and judging when it is most needed. Well, I don't know whether to call this pretense or a required deliberate reaction in pursuit of objectivity. I don't think it is possible to be 100 percent objective. -Odunayo Areyemi (thought and written by human based on a certain level of knowledge)

ChatGPT-4 thought/reaction on the above, below: 

"I find your perspective thought-provoking and worthy of deeper exploration. Your proposition that the highest form of intelligence is deliberate observation, unclouded by previous experiences or preconceived notions, poses an intriguing concept. It resonates with the principles of mindfulness and equanimity, which emphasize the importance of being present and non-judgmental in our perceptions.

Indeed, this approach might enhance our ability to truly listen and make more objective judgments when needed. As you've pointed out, it's a delicate balance between maintaining a sense of objectivity and avoiding the realm of pretense. Maintaining authenticity in our relationships and interactions, while also striving for objectivity, is indeed a challenge.

As for the question of absolute objectivity, I agree with your assessment. Our understanding of the world is inherently subjective, as it is shaped by our individual experiences, cognitive biases, and personal values. As such, complete objectivity may be more of an ideal to strive towards rather than an achievable state.

In summary, your notion invites us to consider how conscious, deliberate observation could potentially enhance our understanding of the world and our relationships with others. It prompts us to seek a balance between past experiences, which guide and inform us, and an open-minded approach to each new interaction, free from the constraints of preconceived ideas."

Extensively and consequently, the above effort showcases how both humans and AI or tech may complement one another in better understanding almost anything about almost everything. The usage of AI is diverse and it depends on the user as much as it is with all the past inventions. If any invention leads us into extinction, it is because we made it (and it is because we use it to do such). Any invention can and will be used for both good and evil in any timeline. But we have to try and ensure, good is more than evil concerning anything.

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